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交通部 公路司





第一条 为加强对公路水运工程试验检测专家库的管理,保证试验检测检查、评定等活动的公平、公正,为公路水运工程试验检测管理提供有效的技术支撑和保障,依据《公路水运工程试验检测管理办法》,制定本办法。
第二条 交通部质监总站负责组建并管理部试验检测专家库。
第三条 专家库应当满足下列条件:
第四条 入选专家库的技术专家,应当具备下列条件:
第五条 专家库专家候选人,由下列方式产生:
第六条 为入选专家库的专家建立档案,对专家库实行动态管理。
第七条 专家库专家享有下列权利:
第八条 专家库专家负有下列义务:
第九条 专家库专家有下列行为之一的,交通部质监总站首先予以警告;情节严重的,可随时取消其入选专家库资格,并予以通告:
第十条 本管理办法自印发之日起执行。

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第一章 总 则


  第一条 为贯彻落实财政部《行政单位国有资产管理暂行办法》(财政部令第35号)、《事业单位国有资产管理暂行办法》(财政部令第36号),以及《省政府办公厅关于印发江苏省省级机关办公用房建设与管理实施办法的通知》(苏政办发〔2009〕11号)等政策法规精神,加强市级行政事业单位房屋土地管理,进一步完善管理体制,优化资源配置,降低行政成本,推进节约型机关建设,促进廉政建设,保障机关和谐高效运转,制定本办法。

  第二条 本办法所指市级行政事业单位包括市级党的机关、人大机关、行政机关、政协机关、审判机关、检察机关、民主党派机关,以及市级各类事业单位和社会团体。

  第三条 本办法所指房屋土地是指市级行政事业单位占有、使用并在法律上可以确认为市级行政事业单位的办公、业务用房及其相应土地,以及市政府交由市级机关事务管理局(以下简称市管理局)管理的其它房产及其相应土地。

  第四条 市级行政事业单位房屋土地的权属实行集中统一管理。坚持存量调配与建设改造相结合,充分合理使用存量;职能部门统一管理与使用单位日常管理相结合,实现维修、物管的规范化专业化;严格审批与加强监管相结合,有效杜绝违规行为。

  第五条 市发展改革委、市财政局、市管理局根据各自职责对市级行政事业单位的房屋土地实施管理与监督。市发展改革委负责审批建设项目、购置立项;市财政局对行政事业单位国有资产实行综合管理,负责制定和完善市级行政事业单位房屋土地的管理制度,对房屋配置标准、使用和处置进行审批,对建设、维修项目的资金预算进行审核、审批,对资产的具体管理和预算执行情况进行监督检查;市管理局负责市级行政事业单位房屋土地的统一规划、统一建设和集中管理的具体工作。市审计局、监察局等部门根据各自职能,对建设和管理工作进行监督。 


第二章 项目的建设


  第六条 市级行政事业单位因增设机构、调整职能或业务发展等需要增加房屋的,由市管理局负责从现有房屋存量中调剂解决。确需建设(含新建、扩建、翻建、迁建、改建、装修改造,下同)的,要按照中共中央办公厅、国务院办公厅《关于党政机关厉行节约若干问题的通知》(中办发[2009]11号)和国家计委《关于印发党政机关办公用房建设标准的通知》(计投资[1999]2250号)等文件精神,严格审批,集中集约建设。    

  第七条 市管理局负责按照城市建设总体规划,结合办公用房存量情况及机关事业发展要求,会同有关部门编制办公用房建设整体规划,报市政府批准后组织实施。

  第八条 市级行政事业单位应打破部门、单位界限,实行办公用房集中建设。各部门、单位办公用房建设申请报送市管理局。由市管理局会同市财政局根据使用单位机构设置、编制、职能等情况,对投资规模、建筑面积、设备设施和装修标准等提出初审意见报市发展改革委。由市发展改革委按基本建设程序核报市政府审批。  

  第九条 各部门、单位申请购置办公用房,由市管理局会同市发展改革委、财政局提出意见报市政府审批,经市政府批准后,由市管理局组织购买。

  第十条 按照建设单位与使用单位分离的原则,经批准的办公用房建设项目,通过招标等方式选择专业化项目管理机构代建。

  第十一条 房屋建设项目应严格按照批准的建设规模、标准和投资概算等组织实施。投资概算一律不得突破,因不可抗力原因超概算的,须报原批准部门重新审批。

  第十二条 房屋建设应严格按照《建筑法》、《招标投标法》及基本建设程序等法律法规和相关规定组织实施,项目勘察、设计、施工、监理单位的选择及重要设备、材料的购置,要进行招投标。

  第十三条 房屋建设项目必须严格执行《公共建筑节能设计标准》和有关建筑节能强制性标准,并选用高效、节能、环保的设备和材料。


第三章 房屋的配置

  第十四条 市管理局根据办公用房配备标准和各部门、单位编制与职能变化情况,核定各部门、单位办公用房面积,会同市财政局制定办公用房调配方案,报市政府批准后,由市管理局组织实施。

  第十五条 调整变更办公用房的部门、单位在新办公用房投入使用后,必须在30日内腾空原办公用房,并将原办公用房交予市管理局;办公用房超过规定标准面积的部门、单位,必须及时将超标面积部分交予市管理局。  

  第十六条 部门、单位办公用房严重短缺,或增加临时办公机构,且确无存量可调剂解决的,经市管理局商市财政局同意后可租用办公用房,经费由市管理局和使用部门、单位共同向市财政局申请。未经批准,任何部门、单位不得擅自租用办公用房。


第四章 维修与使用

  第十七条 市管理局应会同各部门、单位定期对房屋的质量、安全和使用情况进行检查,建立维修项目数据库,为做好维修工作提供科学依据。

  第十八条 房屋维修实行统分结合的管理方法:对纳入集中统一管理的办公用房维修,由市管理局统一组织实施;没有纳入集中统一管理且一次性投入在3万元以下的日常维修,由各部门、单位自行组织实施;一次性投入在3万元以上(包括3万元)的大中维修工程和专项维修工程,由市管理局统一组织实施。

  第十九条 办公用房维修要坚持经济适用原则,严格控制标准,杜绝变相改扩建现象。

  第二十条 各部门、单位房屋大中修以及专项维修项目,由市管理局组织鉴定评审,会同市财政局研究确定。市级行政事业单位房屋大中修及专项维修经费预算由市管理局编制,报市财政局审批后列入市管理局年度部门预算。市管理局根据批复的部门预算组织项目施工,项目竣工后,会同使用单位及有关部门联合验收。

  第二十一条 房屋维修项目须按照规定对施工单位选择、材料和设备购置实行招投标或政府采购。

  第二十二条 推进物业管理服务社会化,采取政府采购方式选择物业管理公司,为市级行政事业单位提供专业化、规范化的物业管理服务。市管理局负责制定机关办公用房物业服务质量标准,并加强指导和监督检查。  

  第二十三条 各部门、单位根据规定的经费标准和核定的面积编制房屋日常维修及物业管理经费预算,报市财政局审核后,列入部门预算。

  第二十四条 各部门、单位不得自行改变房屋的结构和用途,不得自行将房屋土地用于投资和担保,不得自行出租、出借房屋土地。已经违反上述规定的,要立即收回;不能立即收回的,要将资产收益全部纳入政府非税收入管理,按规定使用;合同到期后不得续约,其房屋土地交由市管理局集中管理。



第五章 房屋土地的处置

  第二十五条 各部门、单位要节约、合理、安全地使用房屋,不得自行处置其房屋及相应土地。

  第二十六条 房屋土地的处置应按照《徐州市市级行政事业单位国有资产处置管理暂行办法》,由市管理局提出初审意见,市财政局审核,报经市政府批准后,由市管理局按规定程序予以公开处置,处置收益上缴财政专户,按规定使用。

  第二十七条 因城市规划建设等原因需拆除市级行政事业单位房屋的,由市管理局会同有关部门处理拆迁补偿事宜,并提出被拆迁单位办公用房安置意见。


第六章 房屋土地的权属管理

  第二十八条 市级行政事业单位房屋土地,是国有资产的重要组成部分,其权属归市政府。市政府委托市管理局对市级行政事业单位房屋土地权属实行集中统一管理。各部门、单位享有办公用房使用权,在核定的范围内自主安排、合理使用。

  第二十九条 市级行政事业单位房屋土地权属统一办理在市管理局名下。已办理在各部门、单位(包括下属单位或其他单位)名下的,由市管理局对产权证、土地使用证集中保管,并逐步对权属进行变更登记,相关部门、单位提供有关资料。新购建(置)的、已建未登记的市级行政事业单位国有房屋土地等不动产,在办理权属登记时直接登记到市管理局名下,其原债权债务关系不变。因单位撤销、改制、隶属关系改变等原因需变更办公用房权属的,按批准文件执行。

  第三十条 企事业单位在市级行政事业单位办公区内投资建设或与机关合建的房屋权属,应妥善进行分割。   

  第三十一条 市管理局要加强房屋土地权属管理,健全管理档案,设置固定资产台帐,并定期检查复核权属面积、质量状况及使用情况。


第七章 附 则


  第三十二条 本办法自印发之日起执行,以往有关规定与本办法不符的,以本办法为准。 





第一章 总 则
第一条 为健全国家公证制度,以维护社会主义法制,预防纠纷,减少诉讼,特制定本条例。
第二条 公证是国家公证机关根据当事人的申请,依法证明法律行为、有法律意义的文书和事实的真实性、合法性,以保护公共财产,保护公民身份上、财产上的权利和合法利益。
第三条 公证处是国家公证机关。公证处应当通过公证活动,教育公民遵守法律,维护社会主义法制。

第二章 公证处的业务
第四条 公证处的业务如下:

第三章 公证处的组织和领导
第五条 直辖市、县(自治县,下同)、市设立公证处。经省、自治区、直辖市司法行政机关批准,市辖区也可设立公证处。
第六条 公证处受司法行政机关领导。
第七条 公证处设公证员、助理公证员。根据需要,可以设主任、副主任。
第八条 有选举权和被选举权的公民,符合下列条件之一的,可以被任命为公证员:
第九条 经见习合格的高等、中等法律学校毕业生,以及具有同等学历的国家工作人员,可以被任命为助理公证员。

第四章 管 辖
第十条 公证事务由申请人户籍所在地、法律行为或者事实发生地的公证处管辖。
第十一条 涉及财产转移的公证事务由申请人户籍所在地或者主要财产所在地的公证处管辖。
第十二条 申请办理同一公证事务的若干个当事人的户籍所在地不在一个公证处辖区,或者财产所在地跨几个公证处辖区时,由当事人协商,可向其中任何一个公证处提出申请。如当事人不能达成协议,由有关公证处从便民出发协商管辖。
第十三条 公证处之间如因管辖权而发生争议,由其共同上级司法行政机关指定管辖。
第十四条 司法部是各省、自治区、直辖市司法行政机关有权指定某项公证事务由某一公证处办理。
第十五条 我国驻外国大使馆、领事馆可以接受在驻在国的我国公民的要求,办理公证事务。

第五章 办理公证的程序
第十六条 当事人申请公证,应当亲自到公证处提出书面或口头申请。如果委托别人代理的,必须提出有代理权的证件。但申请公证证明委托、声明书、收养子女、遗嘱、签名印鉴的,不得委托别人代理,当事人确有困难时,公证员可到当事人所在地办理公证事务。
第十七条 公证员不许办理本人、配偶或本人、配偶的近亲属申请办理的公证事务,也不许办理与本人或配偶有利害关系的公证事务。
第十八条 公证员必须审查当事人的身份和行使权利、履行义务的能力;审查当事人申请公证的事实和文书以及有关文件是否真实、合法。
第十九条 公证处对当事人提供的证明,认为不完备或有疑义时,有权通知当事人作必要的补充或者向有关单位、个人调查,索取有关证件和材料。有关单位、个人有义务给予协助。
第二十条 公证员应当按照司法部规定或批准的格式制作公证文书。
第二十一条 公证文书办理完毕后,应留存一份附卷。根据当事人的需要,制作若干份副本连同正本发给当事人。
第二十二条 公证处办理公证事务,应当按规定收费。公证费收费办法由司法部另行制订。
第二十三条 公证人员对本公证处所办理的公证事务,应当保守秘密。
第二十四条 依照第四条第十款规定,经过公证处证明有强制执行效力的债权文书,一方当事人不按文书规定履行时,对方当事人可以向有管辖权的基层人民法院申请执行。
第二十五条 公证处对不真实、不合法的事实与文书应拒绝公证。公证处拒绝当事人申请办理公证时,应当向当事人用口头或者书面说明拒绝的理由,并且说明对拒绝不服的申诉程序。
第二十六条 公证处或者它的同级司法行政机关、上级司法行政机关,如发现已经发出的公证文书有不当或者错误,应当撤销。
第二十七条 当事人申请办理的公证文书如系发往国外使用的,除按本章程规定的程序办理外,还应送外交部或者省、自治区、直辖市外事办公室和有关国家驻我国大使馆、领事馆认证。但文书使用国另有规定或者双方协议免除领事认证的除外。

第六章 附 则
第二十八条 本条例适用于在中国居住的外国公民。
第二十九条 本条例由司法部负责解释。
第三十条 本条例自发布之日起施行。


Important Notice: (注意事项)
英文本源自中华人民共和国务院法制局编译, 中国法制出版社出版的《中华人民
当发生歧意时, 应以法律法规颁布单位发布的中文原文为准.
This English document is coming from "LAWS AND REGULATIONS OF THE
which is compiled by the Brueau of Legislative Affairs of the State
Council of the People's Republic of China, and is published by the China
Legal System Publishing House.
In case of discrepancy, the original version in Chinese shall prevail.

Whole Document (法规全文)
(Promulgated by the State Council on April 13, 1982)

Chapter I General Provisions
Article 1
These Regulations are formulated to strengthen and perfect the statenotarial system, to uphold the socialist legal system, to prevent disputesand to reduce the number of lawsuit cases.
Article 2
Notarization means that the state notarial department, upon application ofany party concerned, gives testimonial, according to law, to theauthenticity and legality of legal actions, legal documents and legalfacts, so as to safeguard public properties, and to safeguard citizens'status, and property rights as well as their lawful interests.
Article 3
The notary office is the state notarial department. The notary officeshould, through its notarial activities, educate citizens in abiding bythe law and upholding the socialist legal system.

Chapter II Scope of Business of Notary Office
Article 4
The notary office shall handle the following items of business:
(1) to give a testimonial to contracts (legal deeds), powers of attorney,
(2) to give a testimonial to right of inheritance;
(3) to give a testimonial to donation of property and to partition of
(4) to give a testimonial to the relationship of adoption;
(5) to give a testimonial to family relationship;
(6) to give a testimonial to identity (status), record of education, and
personal experience;
(7) to give a testimonial to a person's birth, marital status, existence
and death;
(8) to give a testimonial to the authenticity of signatures and seals on
(9) to give a testimonial to the conformity of duplicates, abridged
versions, translations, and photo-offset copies to the original;
(10) to give a testimonial to the effect of compulsory execution of
documents concerning the claim for repayments of debt and articles in the
event that such documents are considered to be unequivocal;
(11) to be responsible for the preservation of evidence;
(12) to be responsible for the safekeeping of wills or other documents;
(13) to draft, on behalf of the party concerned, a document of application
for a notarial deed;
(14) to handle other notarial affairs in accordance with the application
of the party concerned and international practice.

Chapter III Organization and Leadership of Notary Office
Article 5
The notary office shall be set up in municipalities directly under the
Central Government, counties (or autonomous counties, and the same below),
and municipalities. With the approval of the judicial administrative
authorities of the province, autonomous region and municipality directly
under the Central Government, a municipal district may also set up the
notary office.
Article 6
The notary office shall be under the leadership of the judicial
administrative authorities. The subordinative relationship does not exist
between notary offices.
Article 7
The notary office shall have positions of notary and assistant notary.
When necessary, it may have positions of director and deputy director.
The positions of director and deputy director shall be assumed by
notaries. The director and deputy director shall direct the work of the
notary office, and must also execute the duties of notaries.
Directors, deputy directors, notaries, and assistant notaries shall be
appointed and removed respectively by the relevant people's government of
the municipality directly under the Central Government, of the county, or
of the municipality in accordance with the relevant provisions of the
administration of cadres.
Article 8
Any citizen who has the right to elect and stands for elections and who
meet one of the following qualifications may be appointed as a notary:
(1) graduates of law specialty of institutions of higher learning who have
passed the probation, and have engaged in judicial work, teaching of law,or research in law for 1 year or more;
(2) those who have served in a people's court or a people's procuratorate
as judges or procurators;
(3) those who have engaged in judicial work in the judicial administrativedepartment for 2 years or more, or who have worked in other statedepartments, public organizations, or enterprises and institutions for 5
years or more, and have the knowledge in law comparable to that ofgraduates from secondary law schools;
(4) those who have served as assistant notaries for 2 years or more.
Article 9
Graduates from law schools at the secondary and higher levels who havepassed the probation, and government functionaries with the equivalentrecord of education, may be appointed as assistant notaries.

Chapter IV Jurisdiction
Article 10
Notarial affairs shall be under the jurisdiction of the notary office at
the locality where the applicant has his/her residence registration, or
where legal actions or legal facts have occurred.
Article 11
Notarial affairs concerning transfer of properties shall be under the
jurisdiction of the notary office at the locality where the applicant has
his/her residence registration, or where principal properties are located.
Article 12
In the event that a number of persons concerned, who apply for the
handling of the same notarial affair, have their residence registration at
different localities that do not come under the jurisdiction of one and
the same notary office, or the properties are scattered in several areas
that come under the jurisdiction of different notary offices, these
persons concerned may, through consultation, make their applications to
any of those notary offices. In the event that the persons concerned fail
to reach an agreement, the different notary offices concerned shall
coordinate in jurisdiction out of consideration for the convenience of the
persons concerned.
Article 13
In the event that jurisdictional disputes arise among various notary
offices, their common superior - the judicial administrative authorities
at a higher level shall designate the jurisdiction.
Article 14
The Ministry of Justice and the judicial departments of various provinces,
autonomous regions, and municipalities directly under the Central
Government shall have the authority to assign a certain notary office to
handle a particular notarial affair.
Article 15
The embassy or consulate of China in a foreign country may handle notarial
affairs at the request of a Chinese citizen residing in the foreign
country where there is Chinese embassy or consulate.

Chapter V Procedures for the Handling of Notarial Affairs
Article 16
In applying for notarization, a party concerned shall go to the notary
office personally to make an application in writing or verbally. If the
application affair is entrusted to an agent, certifying documents of the
power of attorney shall be presented. However, the application affair
shall not be entrusted to an agent if the party concerned applies to the
notary office for a testimonial concerning a power of attorney, a
statement, adoption of children, a will, or signatures and seals; if the
party concerned has true difficulty in making the application, the notary
may go to the locality where the party concerned resides, to handle the
notarial affairs.
In the event that state organs, public organizations, enterprises and
institutions apply for notarization, they shall send their representatives
to the notary office. The representatives shall present their certifying
documents of the power of representation.
Article 17
Notaries shall not handle notarial affairs which they themselves or their
spouses, or which the near relatives of themselves or their spouses apply
for; in addition, they shall not handle notarial affairs that they
themselves or their spouses have interests in. The parties concerned shall
have the right to apply for the withdrawal of any of the notaries.
Article 18
The notaries must examine the status of the parties concerned and their
ability to exercise rights and to perform obligations; and must examine
the authenticity and legality of the facts, documents and other relevant
documents, with regard to all of which the persons concerned are applying
for a testimonial.
Article 19
In the event that the notary office holds that the evidence provided by
the persons concerned is not complete or is doubtful, it has the right to
notify the persons concerned that they make necessary additions to
complete the evidence, or it may consult the departments or individuals
concerned and ask them to provide certifying documents and materials. The
departments and individuals concerned shall have the obligation to render
Article 20
Notaries shall prepare notarial documents in accordance with the format
prescribed or approved by the Ministry of Justice.
Article 21
After notarial documents have been processed, an additional copy of the
documents shall be kept on file. In accordance with the needs of the
persons concerned, duplicates may be prepared, which shall be issued to
the persons concerned together with the original documents.
Article 22
The notary office shall collect service charges for handling notarial
affairs. The measures for collecting notarial service charges shall be
formulated by the Ministry of Justice separately.
Article 23
The notarial affairs, as handled by the notary office, shall be kept
confidential by the notaries.
Article 24
If one party concerned refuses to act in accordance with the stipulations
of the document concerning creditor's rights which has been rendered
compulsory by the notary office in accordance with the stipulations of
Item 10, Article 4, the other party concerned may apply to a basic
people's court which has jurisdiction for execution.
Article 25
The notary office shall refuse to give a testimonial to false or illegal
statements and documents. When the notary office refuses to accept an
application of the party concerned for notarization, it shall explain,
verbally or in writing, to the party concerned the reason why his/her
application is rejected, and explain also the procedure for making an
appeal if the applicant is not satisfied with the rejection. In the event
that the party concerned is not satisfied with the rejection made by the
notary office, or thinks that the notary has handled the notarial affair
improperly, he/she may make an appeal to the municipal or county judicial
administrative department at the locality where the notary office is
located or to the judicial administrative department at a higher level,
and the department that accepts the appeal shall make a decision.
Article 26
The notary office, or the judicial administrative department at the same
level, or the judicial administrative department at a higher level, shall
rescind a notarial document which has already been issued, if they
discover that there are improper points or mistakes in it.
Article 27
In the event that notarial documents, processed in accordance with the
application made by the party concerned, are to be sent to a foreign
country for use, these notarial documents, apart from being processed in
accordance with the procedures as prescribed in this chapter, shall be
sent to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, or to the foreign affairs office
of the province, autonomous region, or municipality directly under the
Central Government, and also to the said foreign country's embassy or
consulate in China for confirmation. However, the aforesaid stipulations
shall not apply to such cases where a foreign country in which the
notarial documents are to be used prescribes otherwise in its relevant
provisions, or where an agreement has been signed between China and the
said foreign country on exempting the aforesaid confirmation of notarial

Chapter VI Supplementary Provisions
Article 28
These Regulations shall apply to foreign citizens residing in China.
Article 29
The right to interpret these Regulations shall reside in the Ministry of
Article 30
These Regulations shall go into effect as of the date of promulgation.